Defamation is a serious matter. Talking badly about someone and ruining their reputation in the real world has way more consequences than you may think. If you have been at the receiving end of defamatory statements, you must know what it feels like. Even though people have the right to free speech, they cannot say false things about you to third parties.
If you were recently fired from your job and suspect your employer is defaming you, you could take legal action. It is understandable that you would not want to go up against a powerful person, but the law views everyone with the same eye. Contact a Connecticut employment law attorney today.
Damages you can receive in a defamation case
In defamation cases, there are generally three types of damages: actual, presumed, and punitive damages.
Actual damages.
Actual damages refer to the monetary or financial losses that occurred as a result of the defamation. These may include any lost business, clients, customers, or loss of property. This is for both businesses and individuals.
If the defamation has affected your ability to earn permanently, meaning that you have lost your earning potential for life, you can also recover damages for that. You can also receive compensation for mental health issues and intangible damages, such as pain and suffering.
Presumed damages.
Presumed damages are also known as assumed damages and do not require much or any evidence to prove in court. Presumed damages are given by assuming that the defendant has most probably done some defamatory action. Therefore, even if you cannot prove that you have these damages, you can still recover them.
There is no fixed standard as to how courts calculate this damage. It can be any amount, from one dollar to a thousand.
Punitive damages.
Punitive damages are awarded rarely and only in very serious cases. These damages are awarded when you establish that the defendant acted maliciously and intentionally committed fraud toward the plaintiff. These are essential to punish the defendant for their activities rather than compensate the victim.
It is not easy to get paid in a defamation case
Defamation cases are infamous for not rewarding a significant amount of money or the deserved amount. Sometimes the judge orders the defendant to pay as little as $1, while others get beyond $1 million. It all depends on the kind of evidence you bring to the court and the severity of your damages. Hiring a good employment law attorney to fight defamation in Connecticut can make all the difference.