BDNF ELISA kit is a solid phase immunoassay specially developed for measuring human BDNF using a 96-well strip plate precoated with BDNF-specific antibodies. The detection antibody is a BDNF-specific biotinylated antibody. The capture antibody is a mouse monoclonal antibody and the detection antibody is a biotinylated monoclonal antibody. Antibodies from mice. The kit contains recombinant human BDNF containing an immunogen. The standard expression system is NS0 and Immunogen sequence H129R247. The kit has been analytically validated with ready-to-use reagents.
Why Choose this BDNF ELISA Kit
This BDNF ELISA kit is the best for the quantitation of Human BDNF concentrations in cell
culture supernatants, cell lysates, serum, and plasma (heparin, EDTA, citrate). The sensitivity or minimum detectable dose (MDD) is the lower limit of the detectable target protein. It can be detected by the kit. It is calculated by adding two standard deviations to the mean outer diameter. absolutely. Score 20 empty wells and calculate the appropriate concentration. There is no detectable cross-reactivity with other relevant proteins. These assay kits produce robust data that are reproducible.
What is BDNF?
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is an important molecule involved in learning and memory-related plasticity changes. BDNF expression is strongly regulated and can lead to large variability in BDNF levels in healthy volunteers. Changes in BDNF expression are associated with normal and pathological aging and psychiatric disorders, especially in structures important to memory processes such as the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus.
Expression of the BDNF gene is regulated at many levels. The inclusion of specific exons and the different use of polyadenylation sites and/or start codons not only alter the BDNF variant but also the temporal dynamics of its expression, for example by altering the stability of BDNF mRNA. Variability at each of these regulatory levels can result in different levels of mature BDNF in healthy or sick individuals.
The prosurvival brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is produced by cortical neurons and is required for the survival of striatal neurons in the brain. It is a secreted protein that has a molecular weight of 27.8kDa and 247 amino acids. It has been shown to help neurons survive and differentiate. The amino acid sequences of BDNF and nerve growth factor are quite similar (NGF). BDNF and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) are two neurotrophic factors that are identical to NGF and have recently been cloned. The adult human brain has mRNA products of the BDNF and NT-3 genes, implying that these proteins are crucial in the maintenance of the adult nervous system. Long-term potentiation is dependent on BDNF and other neurotrophins (LTP). LTP caused by BDNF is induced post-synaptically. In the central nervous system, BDNF has trophic effects on serotonergic (5-HT) neurons.
Advantages of BDNF ELISA Kit compared to other immunoassays
The accuracy and speed with which BDNF ELISA testing can produce data are two of their biggest advantages. Because an ELISA test requires serum or plasma samples, centrifugation of the patient’s sample is frequently required.
The ELISA method is straightforward. Because of the interaction between an antibody and an antigen, it has high sensitivity and specificity. Because ELISA tests can detect both antigens and antibodies, medical practitioners and laboratories all around the world see them as versatile tools.
ELISA does not necessitate the use of radioisotopes or expensive radiation counters. Accurate micropipettes, an incubator, a washing system, and a microplate spectrophotometer reader are all required. Many laboratories now employ fully automated ELISA processing systems to examine a wide range of tests. These robotic machines are liquid handling systems that can complete an assay from start to finish. On a typical day shift, they can process up to 15 assays.
Importance of BDNF In the Body
BDNF’s role in promoting the survival of peripheral sensory neurons during brain development was one of the first in vivo functions discovered. Exogenous administration of BDNF in the developing visual cortex resulted in increased dendritic length and complexity of pyramidal neurons in a layer-specific way, implying that BDNF not only boosted neuronal growth but also controlled a specific pattern in dendritic growth. Inhibition of spontaneous electrical activity, synaptic transmission, or L-type calcium channels also blocked exogenous BDNF-induced dendritic development, implying that neurons must be active enough to respond to BDNF’s growth-promoting function.
Pre and post-synaptic processes are implicated in the regulation of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity by BDNF. In cultured neocortical neurons of BDNF-knockout mice, BDNF is required for presynaptic vesicle cycling, which is dependent on NMDA (N-methyl D-aspartate) receptor activation. This paracrine (retrograde messenger) role of BDNF was further verified, with BDNF administration to hippocampus sections restoring spine actin polymerization and LTP (long-term potentiation) stability in rats. Furthermore, BDNF levels boosted not only NMDA levels and intracellular calcium concentrations, but also reduced Mg2+ inhibition of NMDA receptors, facilitating long-term synaptic activity modifications. LTP induction was inhibited when TrkB and BDNF production were lowered.
Adult endothelial cells (EC), vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), and cardiomyocytes all benefit from neurotrophins, which enhance angiogenesis and regulate survival. The TrkB receptor was found to enhance therapeutic neovascularization, whereas the low-affinity receptor p75 NTR not only caused death in endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscles but also inhibited angiogenesis. NT-3 and BDNF are important in the creation of heart and myocardial vasculature, according to research conducted in a murine BDNF knockout model.