Do you want to get that workout into your day, but it’s a tight squeeze with everything you need to accomplish? Do you love the gym, but not how you look after class? Getting exercise done early could provide a sense of accomplishment. However, you don’t want to walk into the office with wet hair or sweaty attire.
How, then, do you manage the quick change from an exercise enthusiast to a devoted (clean) colleague? This feat requires some preparation and thought. Use the following tips to leave the gym and head to work feeling, looking and smelling good.
1. Keep a Body Care Bag
Make sure you have 10 minutes to refresh yourself before you leave the gym. Have a bag packed ahead of time with essential items that help you detox from the sweat session. For instance, if you’re pushing yourself hard and sweating a lot, you want to wash your face before you leave. The workout left moisture buildup, possibly leaving you looking and feeling greasy and grimy. Take a few minutes at the locker room sinks to cleanse and hydrate. In your bag, have an effective cleanser, moisturizer and face serum. Ensure you have deodorant, a hair brush and some simple makeup. Wash and prepare to greet your colleagues with a smile and well-supported skin care. What else should you have on hand?
2. Pack Breakfast or an On-the-Go Snack
Hunger isn’t an ideal way to start the day. Make a list of easy-to-grab and store breakfasts that replenish your energy and keep your stomach from grumbling during the day. Have coffee set aside in a thermos, and keep water with you at all times. In addition, prepare a meal such as banana and peanut butter toast.
Alternatively, you can get a good and healthy meal delivered to you. recommends finding a healthy blend of fat, lean protein, and carbohydrates. A healthy meal preparation in Oklahoma offers carbs and protein in one selection for those looking to enjoy something quick. This should be your go-to if you want it delivered to the door of your office in Oklahoma. Enjoy it post-workout, so you’re ready to conquer your tasks for the day.
3. Keep Attire Simple
One major hurdle for gym-to-work transition is changing clothes. You don’t want to wear spandex to the office, but you don’t have time to look glamorous. Make a concession click here to keep life simple, choosing clothing options that are easy to put on and don’t have a ton of accessories. Choose fabrics that don’t wrinkle easily, so you don’t walk in looking like you stumbled out of bed.
4. Don’t Wash the Hair
Should you shampoo your hair before you go? Probably not. If you’re in a rush, opt for something with less hassle. Wash off in the shower, but leave your hair dry. Instead, opt for a dry shampoo before and after your activities. This product works to remove the grease in your hair and supports dryness. People with longer hair may choose to prop their strands up in a cloth scrunchy. This option works better than elastic bands since the cloth puts less tension on the hair. You may find fewer lines at the end, allowing you to brush and go.
5. Watch the Time
Another obstacle with gym life before work is ensuring you don’t run late. Watch the clock and consider giving yourself some wiggle room. Are you trying to make a class? Be sure you get that cleanup time built into your schedule. If you’re creating your routine, monitor the availability of weights and machines. Allot certain times for each selection and know when to call it a day.
Many people feel better when they knock exercise out before they start their work day. However, squeezing it in before work may feel a bit nervous. If you’re concerned about getting it done and heading to work on time and refreshed, consider your time frame and preparation. Remember to keep things as simple as possible and ensure you’re stocked with essential items to clean up quickly and easily.