No matter what age, no person should ever go through the horrible experience of domestic violence. Getting threats or physically beaten by your own partner can be mentally and emotionally hurtful. Many dating teenagers face domestic violence and do not tell anyone. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the signs to protect your child or friend.
Researchers have been studying the signs of teen dating violence for quite a while now and have found several early signs. Researchers say that these signs have the potential to turn into physically violent actions. A Vancouver domestic violence lawyer recommends recognizing these signs and taking the appropriate action.
Early signs of teen dating violence
Using insults or humiliation.
Communication between two people in a relationship should always contain respectful words for each other. Even when you or the other person is angry, you must not act or speak disrespectfully. One should never want to seek satisfaction by using insults, intimidation, or humiliation on their partner.
Excessive jealousy.
One thing that most teenagers do not realize is that being excessively jealous is not normal. In fact, it is one of the top toxic traits. There should be sufficient trust between you and your partner, and they should not be feeling jealous or insecure when you hang out or speak with people other than them. They may try to stop you from meeting your friends and even stoop down to physical force.
Invasions of your privacy.
Giving your social media and phone passwords to your boyfriend or girlfriend is one thing. But them invading your privacy is a whole another scenario. If you catch your Vancouver boyfriend or girlfriend looking through your text messages or following you around when you tell them that you are going out with a friend, it is a major red flag. It only means that they do not trust you completely.
Isolation from friends and family.
Social isolation is one of the significant signs of teen dating violence. When you are in an abusive relationship with another person, they may prevent you from frequently contacting your friends and family. They may do this to prevent you from revealing anything about the abuse.
Insulting people you care about.
When your partner is abusive, they will do or say anything to hurt you. They may insult not only you but also bring your family, friends, and other people you care about into the argument. They will try to find flaws in your choice of friends and tell you how they are not good for you. They create an environment to control and destroy you.