When you have access to a vehicle, you can travel whenever you like, regardless of where you happen to be. Unless something goes wrong with your car, you probably don’t give much thought to the warranty you have on it. There’s a good possibility you have a lemon on your hands if you’ve had to take it in for repairs multiple times, but the problem persists each time.
There are federal and state “lemon laws” in place to protect consumers from this annoying and costly problem. What follows is a summary of the five most important aspects of the lemon car law for those who are unfamiliar with it.
Not all bad cars are lemons
Significant problems that the dealerships were unable to resolve after multiple tries should qualify your vehicle as a lemon. It is only valid if a defect arises during the warranty period. Issues with vehicle functionality, such as broken brakes, directly result from the flaws. Some states don’t consider minor defects like loose door handles as grounds for a lemon lawsuit. The lemon car law will protect you if one or more major faults develop during the warranty period and you continue to use the car even though problems have persisted after the warranty has expired. Automobiles that their owners have deliberately wrecked do not count as “lemons” and are therefore never eligible for reimbursement.
If a vehicle is determined to be a “lemon,” the owner is entitled to a refund or a new vehicle. Manufacturers will already be aware of issues with your vehicle based on the number of times you’ve contacted them for assistance. If they don’t make things right, you can get legal recourse under the Lemon Act with the help of an attorney. Because of depreciation, the amount of compensation will be less. If you wait too long, the value will drop more rapidly.
You don’t have to go to court to get a fair settlement from the manufacturer for your car. Don’t yield if the settlement terms aren’t acceptable to you as a consumer. If you end up in court, you’ll want to have the most recent information about the repairs available. Keep documentation of all your procedures to support your case for financial compensation. Don’t worry about legal fees because lemon law arbitration is free, and lawyers often take cases on a contingency fee basis.
Consideration is given to the manufacturer’s warranty
Proof of ownership documents may be required to file a claim under the state’s lemon legislation. Maybe you’re not sure if you’ll be protected if you keep your car running but make a few changes to it. If your vehicle has major flaws that have been difficult to correct, you may be entitled to full compensation if you file a lemon claim. However, the manufacturer won’t pay for the labor to have the parts put in.
Safeguards for Lessees of Leased Vehicles
Contrary to what most people think, lemon car laws also cover leased cars. Only automobiles with valid warranties can be subject to a lemon lawsuit, so be sure to rent one with the coverage before you hit the road. Due to the low cost at which private buyers acquire their vehicles, these vehicles are not covered by any sort of insurance.
Machines have flaws, and so do cars. True perfection is impossible to achieve. As a result, a guarantee is a must for any high-priced purchases. It can be difficult to determine whether or not your car is a “lemon,” so if you’ve been having issues with it and they haven’t gone away, you should talk to an attorney experienced in this area as soon as possible. If your vehicle is a lemon, the lawyer can assist you in getting the most money possible from the manufacturer.
If a consumer successfully sues a car manufacturer under a state or federal lemon car law and wins, they are entitled to compensation for their legal fees from the manufacturer. If you go this route, you can engage a lawyer who won’t charge you anything upfront and will instead get paid a percentage of the money they recover for you during the lawsuit.
Think about getting in touch with a lemon law attorney if your car still isn’t running properly after several trips to the mechanic. Working with the experienced team at the Law Offices of Sotera L. Anderson, you can be confident that you will receive the compensation you deserve.
We can begin working with you immediately if you call 855-965-3666.