Hatching produces healthy birds and increases the hatching rate. In this process, the most important factor is the temperature in the egg hatching rate, the growth performance, and the offspring phenotype. It has a continued influence on the appearance of the birds and affects their early development.
It also affects the final body weight and the quality of the meat.
It refers to the artificial or artificial means of aiding the growth and development of an immature born bird before reaching full term or an egg after being laid before hatching. When a farmer places a freshly laid egg in a hatchery, the insides develop slowly, step by step, until a full-grown live chick comes out where in the beginning was only albumen and egg yolk.
This unseen development has served as an analogy for the unconscious process of developing a conscious idea.
Important factors in incubation
The four factors are to be considered in hatching eggs artificially;
In the warm-up period, the temperature should be adjusted to 100 degrees Fahrenheit for air that is not in motion and 99 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit for the air after the heating process. The bulb of the thermometer should be kept at the same height as the eggs’ top and away from the source of heat. Using two thermometers would be better for more accuracy in the results.
The temperature should always be kept constant between 99 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit or at a compromised range of 97 to 103 degrees Fahrenheit. Decreasing temperatures to below 96 degrees or increasing to above 103 degrees could result in a higher death rate.
Overheating is more dangerous than heating; hence running the incubator at 105 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 15 minutes could cause the eggs not to hatch but at 95 degrees for a couple of hours reduces the metabolism rate.
A lot of moisture prevents normal evaporation and reduces the hatch, but it is a rare problem in small incubators. Little humidity leads to the formation of excessive evaporation. This factor causes the chicks to stick to the shell and hatch, being crippled at due time. In the hatching period, using an atomizer to spray a little water in the ventilation holes increases the humidity.
Placing a petri-dish containing water beneath the tray of eggs provides enough or sufficient humidity. Ensuring that the water is added to the chicken incubator is the same as the temperature is key so as not to stress the eggs.
For best results, there should be a normal atmospheric pressure which usually contains an oxygen percentage of 21. Though it is hard to provide too much oxygen, a deficit is common. The ventilation holes should be open for normal air exchange. It may be critical for the homemade ones since there is a possibility of suffocating the egg and birds in tight containers.
The eggs should be turned thrice to five times a day from day 2 to day 18 and not in the last three days. For proper turning, label each side of the egg with a pencil or charcoal with any initials like “x” and “y” on each side. On the 18th day, there shouldn’t be any opening or movement until the hatching is complete. This is to maintain the desired hatching humidity.
In conclusion
Artificial hatching is the most used method by large-scale poultry farmers because there is an assurance of higher yields when the process is properly adhered to, unlike the natural hatching process.