The first word that strikes our mind while hearing “candle” is FLAME or LIGHT! The very work of a candle is to enlighten the world and remove darkness. A candle is a candle, so why choose crystals over the normal ones?
It is because, when you light it, the ignited flame radiates the positive and ecstatic vibes of the crystals and spreads them into its surrounding. People with a crystal candle could feel its calming and healing nature. A crystal candle burns to spread tranquility and positivity in and around you.
Candles are a beautiful way to radiate positive vibes and share them with others. They spread light, which illuminates the darkness around us and ourselves to see our true potential for growth in this world; however, different crystals define different meanings to its use.
The aura of these crystals generates high amounts of energy and will help you release anxiety and transfer into a relaxation mode.
A bit about the Law of Attraction!
When was the last time you felt happy from within? The last time you felt real love. The last time you felt real emotion. And why am I discussing this in the Law of Attraction?
According to the Law of Attraction, a person feels empowered when he wants to add something great in his life, be it love, hatred, confidence, strength, anything. If he stays negative and only thinks about the negative mishaps in his life, he will manifest the same aura in his life and surroundings.
On the contrary, if he wishes to be in love and spread its beauty into the hearts of others as well, he must think a lot more about positivity. With full faith and belief, he must accept that the universe always stores good outcomes for everyone in this world!
In a layman’s words, love attracts love; hatred attracts hatred. When you give it a thought, you’ll see it’s actually true. In a way, YOU have the power to INFLUENCE your REALITY!
Crystal Candles – A Gateway to Spirituality and Tranquility
This is one of the most generally asked questions to the healers and spiritual – practitioners. Everyone wants their prayers answered quite fast. But what do we need to do to make the prayers effective? And how could crystal candles help in making the prayers more powerful?
You might have noticed that it is quite easier for you to sit and pray at Church or other sacred places. You tend to have a focused and acquainted mind towards your emotions and wishes because of the energized atmosphere of the holy places. Similarly, you can add the same Church-like effects at your home itself by allowing powerful candles. The healing crystals bring peace when lightened up with pure intentions and divine thoughts.
You can feel true devotion in churches, temples, and other sacred places. You may have noticed that it is simpler for you to sit down with your loved ones at these locations because of how calm everything feels there. This same effect could bring comfort into our homes by allowing special crystal candle holders from crystal candle Australia (100% Australian wax), which emit healing properties to your soul and body.
Let us now read how crystals help in healing various areas of our lives:-
For healing the inner-child
We tend to carry many experiences in our subconscious mind from our childhood. Some are good, and some are bad. In contrast, some of them are traumatic and need to be addressed. These traumas create hurdles in generating a smooth life-force energy in the body even after we grow up and become adults. Pray the divine to help you out of such a past and start a new journey altogether. For that, you must practice sacred chants while lightening up powerful candles surrounded with Green Opal, Blue Lace Agate, and Smoky quartz. These adorable divine gifts are available at Crystal Candles Australia. You can shop for it whenever you need it.
The fire ignited in the candle collides through the magical crystals and radiates magical vibes in the surrounding. You’ll be able to feel that the frequency has increased, and those negative memories begin to surface and finally heal you with a lot of love, protection, and guided energies.
For enhancing self-love
Do you know, practicing self-love is the most effective way to manifest a soulmate or your twin flame? The more you give love to the self, the higher are the chances of attracting the person who loves you the same way. Therefore, practice self-love by balancing your Heart Chakra and driving lots of unconditional love to your inner self.
Do not forget to sleep without lighting up the Rose quartz Candles from Crystal Candles Australia in the corner of your room, as it will help you relax deeply. The vibrations of this crystal are so magical that you drift into sleep soundly. You can deliver powerful affirmations to the universe, asking to enhance the love for the self and healing it in every aspect.
For living an anxiety-free life
Amethyst is considered the best antidepressant stone that works 10x times better when used with crystal candles. The world needs peacemakers and calm people to restore love on the planet. If you feel anxiety at a certain point in life and are searching for a way to come out of those stuck emotions, then try Amethyst candles for witnessing the best results.
To have improved relationships
Aquamarine is the one you need to improve your relationship with your loved ones. Even if you are going through some ups and downs in connection with your loved ones, then a crystal candle with aquamarine or sodalite will work. Rest, it all depends on affirming the magical stones and invoking their properties. The coolness and calmness radiating from the magical crystals have helped couples understand where they need to work on their alliance.
Why is it good to infuse candles with crystals?
We infuse our candles with crystals because they are a modern take on crystal healing. Do you know what the best part is? You do not need any knowledge about stones or energies. The mystic atmosphere comes into your home every evening when you light one of these candle lights. It allows relaxing moments while also filling you up spiritually.
A fascinating aspect of crystals is that they can be stronger when the temperature rises. To consider this idea, we strategically place heat-loving or fiery crystal stones in the candles to balance each other out.
Importance of crystals
Crystals are all around us, especially in the form of stones that we wear or carry with us. These objects have been in practice for centuries to bring good luck and fortune because they’re thought to transform into energy show stones that hold a vibration higher than our own Earth’s frequencies. Even just setting them down can give off beneficial effects!
Charging the Crystals
The full moon or lunar eclipse is a perfect time to charge your crystals. Place them by an open window and allow the energy of celestials in nature’s cycle… Once the crystals get charged, you start feeling more positive, and the thoughts, energy, and vibrations fall into perfect alignment.
Another way of charging the crystals is by repeating affirmations or just giving your crystals some energy to make them more powerful than ever!
Using Crystals To Its Full Strength
Crystal candles being a powerful source of your manifestation, you can follow these easy steps and let the divine power drive in your mode of tranquility and positivity.
Focus on your Intention
Do not just vaguely buy these candles and expect something to happen without even knowing the know-how. If you are firm enough to let things get aligned in your life, select the focus point – your intention! Why do you need to use this candle? What is it you want to attract in your life using the law of Attraction?
If you have the answer, confirm it as your manifestation intention. Let’s say, for example, you wish to achieve true love and care from the people you love the most.
Using the right Crystals
As already detailed, different crystals offer different aura and have different meanings. For example, Rose Quartz manifests unconditional love and peace. It calms down your impatience and purifies your mind and soul. The crystal is also meant for encouraging you to forgive and trust.
Therefore, find the crystals that resonate with your intention to fit in your candle and your life.
Finding the right Candle Holder
Candle holders alone spread a vibe that resonates with your intention. These holders are designed in a way so they can add a sense of perfection to your manifestation practice. Trust your intuition and select the candle holders that get you attracted to them strongly.
For instance, some holders manifest great love, unforgettable memories, lost love, etc.
Call for it in your Routines
Once you have your candle and the perfect jar holder, write your manifestation intention on it that may offer you a sense of hope, strong faith, belief, and encouragement. You can write anything that you wish to provide to the universe to make things right for you. Say, for instance, “I am Manifesting pure love and an emotional attachment with the people I love.”
Letting the Universe take up from Here
What happens when the candle gets over? It must have surely struck your mind since you are reading this article so diligently. Well, clinching on to something is never a good idea, right? So is the case here as well. Once the candle is getting over, ask the universe that whatever you have wanted so diligently must find its way to your prayers.
Also, don’t forget to take back the infused crystals and carry them with you. They additionally will remind you of the good things that are about to arrive in your life.
How are these candles made?
Crystal candles are made using five main ingredients:-
- Soy wax
- Scented and essential oils
- Healing crystals
- Wicks
- Casting vessel
Easy Steps to make a crystal candle:-
- Take a considerable quantity of soy wax in a microwave-safe container and heat it until it becomes liquid. Add 20- 30 drops of essential oil into the wax when it cools down after a minute. A nice way to enjoy your favorite fragrance without any hassle or fuss is by using this technique!
- Pour the wax into the candle holder and add wicks in the elongated position. Wait for the wax to become harder. Do not forget to evenly layer the liquid wax in the holder before it hardens up. To make sure your candles burn equally and late all day long, it’s important that you carefully layer the liquid wax in a holder before it gets hard.
- Now, place the crystals in the holder by blowdrying the wax for a little melt. Let the healing crystals get inserted in the wax and hold their position.
- You can layer the holder with crystals by deep inserting it and then covering the outer edges by simply putting the crystals alongside the wax and eccentricity of the flame.
A Small Note:-
When looking for the perfect essential oil to bring into your home, it is important that this product smells amazing and has high purity and longevity. Suppose you’re combining different kinds or amounts all together. In that case, it is advisable to consult a book on aromatherapy so that your Combo Oil can launch into therapeutic angel mode with no problem at all.
Some basics of crystal healing
There is a wide variety of crystals available to those interested in the spiritual realm. People usually suggest starting with five basic stones: crystal quartz, amethyst rose-colored varieties (or yellow) like citrine, and labradorite. These stones can do anything, depending on what you’re looking for! Crystal Quartz attracts love while Amethysts allow us to get closer spiritually–they also have other properties, but these two categories cover most, if not all.
A Note For All
Man has given a very powerful gift called choice! By exercising this gift, you empower decision-making, which ultimately shapes destiny. Therefore, a wise choice will move you towards a series of great events that illuminate your world. With Crystal Candles Australia, you’ll receive authentic handcrafted healing candles embedded with magical crystals radiating the goodness of the cosmos and making your life full of peace and serenity.