The human brain is the primary controller of the entire body. This most important organ is responsible for thoughts, actions, behaviors, speech, and emotions. The brain is even responsible for addiction. Divided into four lobes and many more compartments, the brain is primarily responsible for each individual’s personality. If any part of the brain is damaged, either through physical injury or chemical injury, a person’s personality could be altered. There are five identified components of brain wellness that include the following:
- Cognitive exercises in the cognitive lab
- Private and group therapy
- Insightful training into how nutrition and physical, emotional, and mental activities can affect short- and long-term brain wellness
- Rehabilitation programs, including mental health programs and substance abuse programs, based on the individual’s comprehensive baseline assessment and test results
- Quantifiable goals and long-term monitoring of the individual’s progress
Cognitive health
Mental health service providers offer a cog lab where patients can undergo extensive cognitive testing, which includes neurofeedback through electroencephalogram (EEG). To formulate a proper treatment plan, these tools can help assess which areas in the brain may have cognitive impairments and processing issues. Cognitive impairments can place individuals at a higher risk for substance abuse or psychiatric disorders. Consistent and ongoing monitoring and evaluation will lead to the brain’s “training” toward improved responses to outside stressors.
Healthy food promotes a healthy body and brain. Food rich in nutrients and amino acids can help improve brain wellness. Junk food not only causes medical conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, but it also can cause a decrease in energy, concentration, and mood. Food not only affects the body, but it also affects the brain. To promote brain wellness, it is important to maintain a healthy diet.
Sleep and relaxation
Sleep difficulties or deprivation can pose serious mental health consequences, which could lead to the use and abuse of substances. Maintaining a healthy sleep pattern every day, also known as sleep hygiene, is important to stay mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy.
Physical activity
A sedentary lifestyle is not only destructive to the body but can also be destructive to the mind. Physical exercise can prevent many medical disorders as well as psychiatric disorders. Exercise releases endorphins, which are naturally occurring chemicals in the body that cause an elevation in mood. Mental health experts believe that practicing a daily fitness routine improves emotional well-being and provides a healthy outlet for stress and anxiety.
Loving and supportive significant others can bring happiness into an individual’s life. Positive and healthy relationships can help sharpen the mind, whereas negative and abusive relationships can potentially cause mental health problems. Unhealthy childhood circumstances or family dysfunction can cause individuals to grow up seeking an elusive healthy relationship and either sabotage any relationship that has promise or fails to recognize a healthy relationship when one appears. Unhealthy relationship patterns can wreak havoc in a person’s life, leading to coping strategies that include substance abuse or self-abuse.
Brain wellness is directly connected to your mind, body, and emotional health. Experts are here to help you with every aspect of your personal set of circumstances. Call the mental health service providers’ helpline to find out how you can start your journey to improved brain wellness and overall health.