Star TV has launched a new Hindi movie channel called Movies OK. This channel is part of the OK family and will be a Hindi movie channel. It will replace STAR One and Life OK. Founded in 2012, it is owned by Fox International Channels. It is broadcast in SD and is available across multiple DTH and cable TV platforms. It has a huge following in India and has been on the air since manytoons 6 May 2012.
As of November 2018, the Hindi movie genre occupies 11.9% of the overall TV viewership pie, a spot it shares with regional channels. However, the Hindi movie genre trails behind the regional channels and GECs. In June 2011, Star Gold became the most popular Hindi movie channel. After the merger with Star, Movies OK was renamed to ATN: “Asia’s largest entertainment manytoon channel”. The channel will also be launching a new HD feed simultaneously with Star Gold HD.
Initially, the ATN network owned Zee Cinema and rebranded it rexdlcom to ATN Movies OK. This is a result of ATN’s loss of the programming rights to Zee Cinema. This led to the rebranding of the channel and its content. Now, Movies OK focuses on Bollywood movies. In the future, the network will offer a wide variety of Hindi films. If you’re looking for a new Hindi movie channel, Movies OK is an excellent choice.
After the rebrand, the Movies OK name will be replaced by “Star Gold” on 1 February 2020. The new logo is similar to that of the former Movies OK, but incorporates the use of a custom font. As the new channel will be in HD, it will feature the same graphics package. This means that Movies OK HD will be the same quality as Movies OK. The brand is an extension of Star Gold.
Another new movie to watch is Jojo Rabbit. Written by Taika Waititi, this film is a spoof of Nazis. In this movie, a young girl becomes a Nazi scout and becomes a Hitler youth scout. This movie is a comedy, and is recommended for children of all ages. It has a few acmarketnet themes that are heretical, but overall, it’s worth a watch.