Motorcycle accidents in cities like New York happen with frequency, usually resulting in serious fatalities or injuries. Motorcycles often account for 15% of traffic fatalities in New York annually.
This statistic shows the disproportionate risks motorcyclists face compared to other road users. The same study shows that most of those fatalities involve young motorists, with most victims being below 35 years old.
Seeking legal help available via Finz & Finz, P.C. and knowing the common causes of motorcycle accidents is important for policymakers and riders to come up with proper prevention strategies:
Low Visibility or Bad Weather
As a motorcycle rider, you are exposed to different elements as you ride your bike without protection from unfavorable weather, such as wind and rain. Your motorcycle can also operate differently on wet, slick roads than when it comes to calm, dry weather.
It is more difficult to have control over your bike in wet weather because of hydroplaning possibilities. The rain, too, makes it difficult to see as you ride your bike by minimizing your capability to see the surroundings and oncoming traffic.
Distracted Drivers
Mostly, distracted drivers are the leading cause of New York motorcycle accidents. When drivers don’t pay attention, they overlook motorcyclists on the road.
Common distractions may include eating, adjusting the radio, talking on the phone, and texting. As a motorbike rider, you may help to prevent accidents by simply riding defensively, using headlights, and wearing reflective or bright clothing.
Road Rash and Abrasions
Fatal injuries can happen when a collision throws you off your bike. You may suffer serious abrasions if you hit the surface with force. Traveling at a huge speed after falling off may result in road rash injuries. The abrasions often expose bones or muscles and destroy the skin when they go deeper.
It is recommended to have a motorcycle leather to protect yourself against those kinds of injuries. This leather is tough and may protect your skin when you fall off. In addition, you always need to wear motorcycle gloves so as to protect your hands during an accident.
Parked Car Doors
It may seem odd to think of parked cars as mortal threats, but the truth is that they rank among the common causes of New York motorcycle accidents. When a vehicle occupant opens the door into the path of a motorcycle, a fatal or serious accident can happen.
While bikers must be keen around parked cars, passengers and drivers must carefully look for motorcycles before opening vehicle doors.
Motorcycles don’t have the protective structures that cars have, making high-speed accidents very devastating. When drivers exceed the speed limit or fail to adjust speed based on the road conditions, they can lack sufficient time to avoid accidents and react to a motorcycle.
If you get involved in an accident, your motorcycle accident lawyer will gather evidence, including witness testimonies, to prove that the negligent driver’s speeding led to the accident and injuries.
If you strongly believe that the reckless action of a third party resulted in a motorcycle accident, then you have the right to seek damages from the party’s insurer. Whichever step you take, involve a New York legal expert to represent you in your case and ensure you get a fair settlement.