The Kimberley Process (KP) is a multi-stakeholder initiative to prevent and address armed conflict. It is designed to help governments, private companies and non-governmental organizations ensure the supply of humanitarian aid and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the context of armed conflict.
Multi-stakeholder initiative
Multi-stakeholder initiatives are a new wave in global governance. They aim to address issues of common interest. The EITI, the Kimberley Process, and the Fair Wear Foundation are examples of these organizations. These organizations are attempting to improve the state of the world through policy dialogues, co-management of natural resources, and partnerships among governments, corporations, and civil society.
While multi-stakeholder approaches have been around for some time, they are now entering every arena of global governance. It is not surprising that there is a lot of confusion surrounding this form of governance. Some believe that they are more effective than other methods while others believe they are unsuitable for certain circumstances.
Affected communities
For example, while the EITI has made significant strides in strengthening the role of CSOs, it is not yet a perfect fit for every situation. As such, a more flexible system is needed.
There is also no consensus on what constitutes a good multi-stakeholder initiative. This is because they vary in scope, cost, and implementation. Many of them are tailored to a specific what is the kimberley process sector or industry. In addition, they may not provide sufficient input from affected communities. Nonetheless, they can prove to be an effective means of engaging stakeholders, especially when they are tailored to the needs of a specific group.
Ensure authenticity documents
The Kimberley Process is a multilateral diamond certification system aimed at ensuring the safety of diamonds. It consists of 83 countries participating in the scheme. Participants must meet several requirements in order to receive certification. This certification is accompanied by an international certificate of registration, which is valid for two years.
As part of its mission, the Kimberley Process has devised a number of security features to identify rough diamonds. Among them is the Kimberley Process Certificate.
This certificate is a forgery-resistant document that identifies a shipment of rough diamonds as being in compliance with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. However, this does not mean that it is a foolproof means of identifying conflict diamonds.
Participant countries
The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme was created in 2003 in an attempt to stop the flow of diamonds from areas involved in armed conflicts. It is implemented through national legislation of participant countries. All participating countries must implement strict trade controls for diamonds. In addition, they must exchange statistical data on diamonds.
The process of obtaining the requisite certificate is relatively easy. First, the importer or exporter of the rough diamonds must submit a registration card. Second, the document must be accompanied by a valid Kimberley Process Certificate. Third, the container containing the rough diamonds should be in tamper-resistant packaging.
Key takeaways
The Kimberley Process is an international initiative to combat the trade of conflict diamonds. It is a multi-stakeholder collaboration of governments, industry and civil society. They are all tasked to monitor and improve the implementation of the KPCS, a set of standards designed to prevent the infiltration of conflict diamonds into the legitimate supply chain.
The Kimberley Process was established in 2003 and it has become one of the most important global initiatives against the illegal trade of diamonds. Over 59 countries participate in the organization. These include the United States, Belgium, China, France, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, South Africa, Canada and the European Union.
There are three key pillars that underpin the mission of the Kimberley Process: the certification scheme, the monitoring of the KPCS and the cooperation between governments and the diamond industry. In order to better understand the role that each of these plays, it is vital to explore the history of the process.
The certification scheme was developed by the Global Witness organization. Despite the criticism it has received from some, it remains a strong regulatory measure. However, it has not been uniformly applied in each country.